The O.P concludes :- So why have we improved as a society even though we are now " so far from perfection?"
Well maybe we have improved as a society? But I believe:-
Humun bevavour is as cruel and evil as it has always been, and by the day millions starve and immorality is rampant. In fact the only pleasure I get from life is my ability to surround myself with meek, kind and compassionate, people. These people are wise enough to avoid the trap of thinking a more comfortable life equates to a more moral life.
However the irony is the average J.W gives up a more moral and comfortable life, to attach themselves to an organisation that is immoral and corrupt to the core.
conclusion:- I think we all agree in our life's we have met kind compassionate people? But i would suggest if these people are really kind and compassionate they don't need an agenda, or religion to be kind and compassionate...these local heroes are few, but worth seeking.